Cluster Fly Treatment

Cluster fly control is best achieved by finding and treating resting sites and harbourages and then applying a residual insecticide to alighting surfaces and activating foggers or smoke bombs to fumigate the area and flush out cluster flies.
If initial cluster fly treatment is carried out in the autumn months, a follow-up in the spring is often advisable.
Step-by-step instructions on how to carry out a successful cluster fly treatment
Step 1:
To carry out a cluster fly treatment you should first remove children and pets from the area to be treated and cover any water storage tanks. We recommend that a safety mask and gloves are worn at all times when handling any pesticides.
We recommend that you check roof spaces for bats or evidence of bats. If you find evidence of bats then you are obliged by law to contact either English Nature, Scottish Natural Heritage or the Countryside Council for Wales, as appropriate, before carrying out any insecticidal treatment to the area. Advice can also be obtained from the Bat Conservation Society on 0845 1300 228.
Before fumigating, calculate the volume of the room or roof space to be treated and use the dosage appropriate to this volume according to the recommendations for flying insects. Apply at a rate of one Fogger per 150 cubic metres or one Smoke Bomb per 120 cubic metres.
Activate foggers or smoke bombs according to the instructions on the packaging. If using smoke bombs it is advisable to contact the fire brigade before igniting as they may be called out if a neighbour or passer by notices smoke escaping from the property. Please be sure to place them on a non-flammable surface, for example a biscuit tin lid or an old plate. Handle with care after use as these can become quite hot. Vacate the area for a few hours to allow the gas/smoke to disperse.
Once gas/smoke has dispersed, apply Formula 'C+' spray to timbers and alighting surfaces within the roof space, paying particular attention to areas where heaviest infestation was noticed prior to smoke treatment. Formula 'C+' is also ideal for application to windows and window frames in the roof space or in affected rooms at a lower level of the property.
Formula P Powder should be applied to timbers and alighting surfaces within a roof space. Insecticidal powder can also be applied with caution around electrical items and power sockets etc. Due to the nature of the product, the residual effect of the dust tends to be longer-lasting than the spray. Caution should be exercised when applying the dust, avoiding contact with skin and eyes, especially if applying at or above head height.
Step 7:
After treatment, please dispose of any remaining product safely in accordance with advice on packaging.
For more information on cluster flies please see our Cluster Fly Information page. To purchase any of our products please go to the Cluster Fly Killer Products page.